How to Plan Remote Working!

work from home

How to Plan Remote Working – Working away from the work- place in many different situations and circumstances requires very careful planning.

The world of commerce and business is ever changing, particularly due to advances in the use of technology. Combined with recent changes in working practices due to COVID-19, the numbers of people now working from home has dramatically increased.

Working from home for many employees has changed their life-style. Consequently, many are resisting being required to return to the Office.

The objective of this blog is not to discuss the political or economic implications of this – such as the effect on the reduction of foot fall on the High Street. But rather to consider the effect on the efficiency and most importantly, the profitability of the business by allowing employees to work from home.

Another factor that may need to be taken into consideration is that allowing employees to work from home may be a benefit required to retain or recruit staff, just like other benefits such as holidays, pension contributions and sick pay. This may be particularly important in periods of skill shortages and full employment.

man working from home

When deciding if employees can work from home, the following factors need to be considered:

1) What operational effects will it have on the business?

A business has several areas of activity: Sales, Marketing, Finance, After Sales, Purchasing. How will all these activities continue to interreact and continue effectively?

2) How will it affect customer service?

Business cannot survive without customers or clients! How will the business continue to support their customers?

3) What are the cost implications?

What additional costs will be incurred to support the employee working at home? IT equipment, office furniture and associated products need to be acquired, delivered and installed (and also returned when an employee’s contract is terminated). Will there be any cost savings, such as reductions in central office space and costs?

4) Training requirements.

Working from home may need different working methods, software etc and also changes in how each employee interacts with their colleagues.

5) The effect on profitability.

Reduced sales opportunities, increased costs.

6) The effect on decision making.

It is important that working from home does not delay decision making.

7) How will the employees be managed.

How to ensure that employees achieve objectives.

APME / IAE will be facilitating a free online workshop for managers, company directors and entrepreneurs on How to Plan Remote Working during the first two weeks of March 2022.

To maximise the benefit of these workshops they will involve delegate participation and discussion. Which will give delegates the opportunity to discuss with others their positive and negative experiences in allowing or encouraging employees to work remotely from the work-place. Numbers for each works shop will be STRICTLY LIMITED.

To receive further information about dates about these FREE workshops please email us on:- [email protected]